Artworks is an art and cultural arts center located at the Carver School. The purpose of Artworks is to educate, inspire artistic creativity and enrich the lives of participants by providing opportunities and resources to people of all ages and abilities.
Current Sustainable Practices
Below are the initiatives Artworks has completed on the Green Check scorecard.
Sustainability Management and Green Team
- Developed a written Comprehensive Sustainability Plan
- Designated a Green Team responsible for managing sustainability initiatives.
- Provides time for quarterly updates from Sustainability Coordinator in management meetings.
Awareness, Education, and Outreach
- Includes sustainability tips in a monthly newsletter.
- Includes a sustainability statement and training in all new hire materials.
- Hosts annual trainings or workshops to educate employees about sustainability issues, policies and procedures.
- Promote sustainability accomplishments in external marketing materials.
- Highlights sustainability efforts or initiatives at career fairs or career days.
- Created an annual green employee award to highlight employee sustainability efforts.
- Hosted an environmental event.
- Sponsored an environmental booth at an existing community event.
- Attended a sustainability workshop.
Energy Efficiency
- Assessed, tracked, and documented energy consumption using Energy Star Portfolio Manager or similar program.
- Established a power-down policy and checklist that includes items such as shutting off lights at night.
- Set water heater thermostats to a maximum of 120 degrees or install an inline water heater.
- Applied for energy credits, rebates or incentives.
- Replaced incandescent or CFL lights with LED lights – 76-100% replacement.
- Upgraded all Exit signs to LED.
- Delamped vending machines.
- Established a regular filter maintenance policy for your HVAC system.
- Has the HVAC system evaluated every 2 years by a certified service provider.
- Established a policy for purchasing that requires Energy Star rated appliances and electronics.
- Established a dress code that encourages employees to dress for thermal comfort.
- Installed power strips for computers and equipment to power down during non-business hours.
- Installed programmable thermostats and use them to adjust temperature during unoccupied hours.
- Conducted an energy audit or assessment (within the last three years).
- Installed energy efficient (i.e. Energy Star) rated windows in all conditioned spaces.
- Insulated roof to control energy loss.
- Installed efficiency-rated HVAC of minimum standard SEER rating of 14.0.
- Took measures to insulate HVAC system and ductwork to minimize heat loss.
- Assessed building envelope and address any leaks.
- Performed external lighting audit.
- Daylit work spaces wherever possible.
Waste Reduction and Recycling
- Implemented a basic recycling program.
- Provided clearly marked recycling bins at work stations and/or in common areas. Recycling bins are paired with a waste bin.
- Trained and requires staff responsible for cleaning to segregate waste and recyclable materials.
- Uses reusable mugs and dishware instead of disposable plates, cups, and utensils.
- Established a policy for environmentally friendly printing such as two sided printing, reusing copy paper, and electronic document sharing.
- Established an electronic waste policy that diverts all e-waste away from landfill.
- Created a landfill diversion goal.
- Replaced at least 50% of paper stock with post-consumer recycled paper.
- Participated in a zero-waste event.
Water Conservation
- Assessed, tracked, and documented water consumption using Energy Star Portfolio Manager or similar program.
- Conducted a water audit within the last three years. Monitor and record water usage, check indoor and outdoor pipes and fixtures for drips and leaks.
- Established a policy for purchase of high efficiency (i.e. WaterSense) rated fixtures and appliances.
- Installed water efficient faucets in all of the restrooms.
- Installed water efficient toilets in all of the restrooms.
Water Quality
- Established a policy for proper hazardous waste and chemical disposal.
- Posted information in restrooms about proper disposal of flushable wipes and other items.
Urban Forestry & Landscapes
- Participated in a community reforestation project.
- Assessed the ecosystem services of trees on property using the National Tree Benefits Calculator.
- Removed all invasive species from property.
- Establish an Integrated Pest Management policy to reduce use of pesticides in the landscape.
Sustainable Purchasing
- Established a policy for reducing the toxic chemicals/materials in the workplace.
- Establish a policy to purchase non-Styrofoam cups and plates for use at the workplace or at events.
- Established a policy for purchasing locally, if available.
Transportation Efficiency
- Established an incentives or recognition program to encourage employees to use alternative transportation, such as carpooling, bicycling, or use of public transit.
- Established and implemented a no-idling policy.
- Conducted an employee transportation survey.
- Adopted a telecommuting option and make it available to employees.
- Hosts art camp focus on making art from repurposed and upcycled items.
- Reuses props for multiple programs.
- Encourages participants to bring their own water bottles and use the bottle filling station.
- Hosts dance clothing and shoes swaps.
- Recycles clay in pottery studio.
- Uses donated and secondhand musical instruments.