Big Ass Fans

Big Ass Fans brings industry-leading airflow and energy savings to customers worldwide


Current Sustainable Practices

Below are the initiatives A Cup of Common Wealth has completed on the Green Check scorecard.

Sustainability Management and Green Team

  • Designated a Green Team responsible for managing sustainability initiatives.
  • Holds quarterly Green Team meetings.
  • Provides time for quarterly updates from Sustainability Coordinator in management meetings.

Awareness, Education, and Outreach

  • Includes sustainability tips in a monthly newsletter.
  • Includes a sustainability statement and training in all new hire materials.
  • Create an annual green employee award to highlight employee sustainability efforts.
  • Provides volunteers for community environmental projects annually.
  • Attended a sustainability workshop.

Energy Efficiency

  • Established a power-down policy and checklist that includes items such as shutting off lights at night.
  • Established a regular filter maintenance policy for your HVAC system.
  • Has the HVAC system evaluated every 2 years by a certified service provider.
  • Established a dress code that encourages employees to dress for thermal comfort.
  • Installed power strips for computers and equipment to power down during non-business hours.
  • Installed energy efficient (i.e. Energy Star) rated windows in all conditioned spaces.
  • Insulated roof to control energy loss.
  • Installed efficiency-rated HVAC of minimum standard SEER rating of 14.0.
  • Assessed building envelope and address any leaks.

Waste Reduction and Recycling

  • Implemented a basic recycling program.
  • Provides clearly marked recycling bins at work stations and/or in common areas. Recycling bins ares paired with a waste bin.
  • Trains and requires staff responsible for cleaning to segregate waste and recyclable materials.
  • Uses reusable mugs and dishware instead of disposable plates, cups, and utensils.
  • Established a policy for environmentally friendly printing such as two sided printing, reusing copy paper, and electronic document sharing.
  • Replaced at least 50% of paper stock with post-consumer recycled paper.
  • Developed a composting program.
  • Participated in a zero-waste event.

Water Conservation

  • Installed water efficient toilets in all of the restrooms.

Water Quality

  • Established a policy for proper hazardous waste and chemical disposal.
  • Established a policy for proper disposal of fats, oils, and grease, distribute to staff, and post in key areas.
  • Installed outdoor ash trays to prevent cigarette litter, and make pocket ash trays available to staff who smoke.

Sustainable Purchasing

  • Established a policy for reducing the toxic chemicals/materials in the workplace.
  • Established a policy for purchasing locally.
  • Established a policy for purchasing environmentally-friendly cleaning products.

Transportation Efficiency

  • Established a no-idling policy.
  • Telecommuting option available to some employees.
  • Installed a bike rack with sufficient space for at least 10% of your employees.
  • Installed weather-protected bike storage (indoor or outdoor).
  • Participated in a bike to work challenge.

Certified as a Bronze level business since 2024