Wrap Me Day Spa offers herbal cream body wraps, Migun MassageEnergy sessions, Balance Me! BioMagnetic Pairs sessions, Healthy Line BioMats, DPL LED Red Lights, SpectraTherapy Wearable Red Light Laser Wraps, Health and Wellness Programs to address issues such as Fibromyalgia, Candidiasis, Detoxification and WeightLoss. Free consultations offered always, with a goal to helping you achieve your get-healthy goals holistically.
Current Sustainable Practices
Below are the initiatives Habitat for Humanity has completed on the Green Check scorecard.
Sustainability Management and the Green Team
- Designated a Sustainability Coordinator or Green Team responsible for managing sustainability initiatives.
Awareness, Education, and Outreach
- Provide a sustainability information board in a common area such as a break room or kitchen.
- Include a sustainability statement and training in all new hire materials.
Energy Efficiency
- Has set water heater thermostats to a maximum of 120 degrees.
- Has HVAC system evaluated every 2 years by a certified service provider.
- Established a dress code that encourages employees to dress for thermal comfort.
- Conducting a plug load inventory to assess energy consumption.
- Installed power strips for computers and equipment to power down during non-business hours.
- Insulated roof to control energy loss.
- Has taken measures to insulate HVAC system and duct work to minimize heat loss.
- Assessed building envelope to address any leaks.
- Daylight work spaces wherever possible.
Waste and Recycling
- Implements a basic recycling program.
- Created a landfill diversion goal.
- Participates in a composting program.
- Provides clearly marked recycling bins at work stations and/or in common areas.
- Trains and requires staff responsible for cleaning to segregate waste and recyclable materials.
- Established a policy for environmentally friendly printing such as two-sided printing, reusing copy paper, and electronic document sharing.
- Created a landfill diversion goal.
Water Quality/Conservation
- Installed water efficient faucets and toilets in all of the restrooms.
- Established a policy for proper disposal of fats, oils, and grease, distribute to staff, and post in key areas.
- Installed outdoor ash trays to prevent cigarette litter, and make pocket ash trays available to staff who smoke.
Urban Forestry and Landscapes
- Participated in a community reforestation project.
- Adopted a telecommuting option for employees.
- Establish and implement a no-idling policy.
Future Plans
- Replace incandescent lights with compact fluorescent lights (CFLs).
- Replace at least 50% of paper stock with post-consumer recycled paper.
- Coordinate or participate in a community litter clean-up.