Permeable pavement is a system that allows water to drain through it’s porous surface into an underground reservoir or rock bed. The water will then slowly release into the soil below. This system’s ability to divert pollutants and control the movement of stormwater makes installing permeable pavement a high scoring item on the Green Check scorecard.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, “permeable pavement can reduce the concentration of some pollutants either physically (by trapping it in the pavement or soil), chemically (bacteria and other microbes can break down and utilize some pollutants), or biologically (plants that grow in-between some types of pavers can trap and store pollutants).”

Scientists have also found that pervious pavement can reduce the affects of the urban heat island effect due to their ability to reduce surface temperature. In the same vein, during the winter months, pervious pavement can trap and store heat so that snow and ice melt faster. As a matter of fact, researchers at the University of New Hampshire noted that permeable asphalt only needs 0 to 25% of the salt that is applied to normal asphalt. (US Geological Survey).
Most of the Green Check businesses that have completed this item on the scorecard, such as Lextran, Good Foods Co-op, and Town Branch Tree Experts, use permeable pavement for their parking lots. However, pervious pavers are also popular for sidewalks and driveways.
Good Foods Co-op was able to install their pervious parking lot through the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government’s Stormwater Projects Incentive Grant. The project was completed by Marrillia Design & Construction.

Dean ISCP Editor-in-Chief & Art Director—Amy M. Dean joined ISCP in March 2010: She produces the monthly ISCP E-News; and has produced ISCP items for conferences, Amy M. “Porous Pavement-New Orleans, LA Requirement as Step to Alleviate Flooding, & Part of ‘Greater New Orleans Urban Water Plan.’” International Society for Concrete Pavements, 27 Sept. 2019,
“Good Foods Co-Op.” Good Foods Co-Op Parking Lot Renovation,
Selbig, William R. Evaluating the Potential Benefits of Permeable Pavement on the Quantity and Quality of Stormwater Runoff, 2018,