Lexington Explores Bike Share with Green Check Business

Lexington Explores Bike Share with Green Check Business

You’ve probably seen one of them recently—since their introduction about a month ago, bright orange bikes can be found at different spots Lexington. They are one of the more than 500 “Spin” bikes that are a part of the City of Lexington’s new pilot dockless bike share program.

LFUCG’s Spin bike share web page explains how the program works:

“To check out a bike, download the Spin app by going to the Apple Store, Google Play Store or visiting www.spin.pm. You will be asked to create a user profile within the app to provide your personal information and account with your personal payment method….When you’re ready to ride, open the app to find a bike near you and scan the bike’s QR code to unlock. Once you’re finished using the bike, pull down on the physical lever on the bike to lock it.”

All rides are $1 per 30 minutes. Riders that are students, faculty, or staff with an .edu email address will receive a discounted rate. With rates at such a low cost, this program provides greater accessibility to people of all socioeconomic backgrounds. This is one reason why Green Check member, Broomwagon, has taken on the task of servicing the 500 plus bikes. “We are working to make sure they get to people in need of cheap, reliable transportation,” says Broomwagon’s Service Manger James Gaynor.

Broomwagon also recognizes the important roles the bike share program has in advancing Lexington’s suitability initiatives. Like Broomwagon, most of the Green Check businesses also eagerly support alternative modes of transportation, as they can greatly contribute to overall reductions in carbon dioxide and other pollutants from daily commuters.

Similar programs have been successful in such cities as Phoenix, Washington DC, New York, and Louisville, thus proving that city size is not necessarily a concern when it comes to implementing a successful program.

If you are interested in learning more about Lexington’s Spin bike share program please visit https://www.lexingtonky.gov/spin-bikeshare.

To learn more about the Green Check program and how your business can receive recognition for your efforts to increase sustainability, check out lexingtonky.gov/GreenCheck or contact Noel Osborn at noel@BgGreensource.org.


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