With spring in full bloom, take a look at some of the projects Green Check businesses have adopted to make their outdoor space more sustainable.
Rain Gardens
Rain gardens are located on shallow depressions and capture runoff from impervious surfaces, such as rooftops, patios, driveways, and parking lots, before it enters the storm water system. They use natural processes to improve water quality by filtering pollutants and reducing the amount of storm water runoff. The water easily infiltrates into the soil because of the deep roots of the native plants and recharges the groundwater supply. Rain gardens can be customized and are limited only by the resources and time you want to put into them.
Rain Barrels
Every time it rains, unabsorbed water rushes to storm drains and directly to local waterways. This water carries with it pollutants such as pet waste, automotive fluids, and fertilizer. Rain barrels connect to your downspout, decreasing the amount of rain that runs off your property. Reduced runoff helps prevent water pollution and flooding.
The water saved in rain barrels can be used for watering flowers, gardens and lawns all through the summer, even in times of drought. Reduced water demand will lower your use of municipal water supplies, saving you money!
Pollinator Gardens
When working on your outdoor green space, diversifying urban landscapes is a goal that should be kept in mind to improve pollinator populations. Take simple steps to help pollinators by planting pollinator friendly plants. Pending Green Check business, EARTHeim Landscape Design, assisted in the creation of the City of Lexington’s Plant by Numbers program. Citizens and businesses can used the guide to select pollinator friendly plants for all landscaping needs.
Green Walls
Recognizing that not all businesses have outdoor green space, consider installing a green wall. Green walls can be indoor or outdoor, big or small, and include a variety of plant options. Improved air quality, increased employee energy levels, a decrease in energy costs, and overall visual appeal are some of the benefits associated with green walls.
To learn more about greening up your business this spring, check out LexingtonKY.gov/GreenCheck.